
Additional information about buying this domain on we.lu

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All 626 two-character combinations of letters that the domain registry DNS Luxembourg awarded in an auction at the end of 2020 were bought within a very short time. The abbreviation FH is frequently used; Fachhochschule or Ferienhaus are just two examples. I, Frank Heilmann, would use FH.lu if I were at home in Luxembourg.

One reason for the lively interest in these abbreviations is the fact that they make excellent abbreviations for names and companies. Anyone who has been able to register their initials as an Internet address and e-mail address can consider themselves lucky. Given the small number of combinations available, only a few interested parties have the opportunity to secure the domain tailored to their needs.

Frankcom IT Service, Eichenring 3, 94060 Pocking, Germany, Email: buy@frankcom.info